
Mark Cuban sells his NFTs, Pudgey Penguin goes for $30,000



Mark Cuban recently gained attention after selling over a dozen NFTs; one of which was a Pudgy Penguin NFT with an estimated price tag of over $30,000. These sales are recorded in one of the user-owned OpenSea wallets and are part of broader activity within the rapidly developing NFT market.

Continued engagement in the NFT Arena

Additionally, Cuba’s associated wallet is currently listing a Dallas Mavericks-themed Proof of Culture NFT for an asking price of almost $50,000. This action highlights its continued commitment to the digital asset space. Cuba’s involvement does not stop there; his wallet contains around 1,600 references, reflecting a diversified and significant portfolio.

Cuban has influenced his landscape as an early adopter of NFT technology by investing in several startups and constantly championing the potential of NFTs, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in 2021. His criticism of the policy of OpenSea’s royalty payment highlights its active role in shaping industry practices.

These recent transactions from Cuba highlight the continued dynamism and complexity of the NFT market. Its activities offer insight into the evolving dynamics of digital asset trading and investment.

This continued involvement of high-profile investors like Cuban is vital to the maturation and stability of the NFT market, providing both credibility and visibility to this innovative digital asset class.

Read also: Konami and Avalanche launch Resella to simplify NFT transactions


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