
CryptoPunk sells for $12.4 million on Ethereum, one of the biggest NFT sales ever



Yet another CryptoPunk sold for an astonishing sum: on Thursday, an ultra-rare Alien Punk from NFT the collection was exchanged for $12.38 million worth of Ethereum (ETH).

Punk #635, one of nine Alien Punks in the influential 10,000-coin Ethereum NFT collection, sold for 4,000 ETH This morning. The sale was facilitated by crypto art brokerage firm Fountain, with the piece going to an anonymous collector who has not yet revealed his identity.

This stunning trade comes just weeks after two other Alien Punks sold for shattering, near-record amounts. In early March, an anonymous crypto trader purchased Punk #3100 for $16.03 million worth ETH, in the second largest on-chain CryptoPunk transaction on record. A few weeks later, Punk #7804 – another Alien – sold for $16.42 million in ETH, taking the (silver) crown as the second most expensive Punk sale in history.

The biggest CryptoPunks sale of all time took place during the NFT’s heyday in early 2022, when a crypto startup CEO purchased another Alien Punk – #5822 – for 8,000 ETH, d ‘worth 8,000 ETH. more than $23.7 million at the time.

While these Punk transactions, and those of today, are among the Most expensive NFT sales everthey still pale in comparison to the all-time leader: “Everydays: The First 5,000 Days,” a chain work by artist Mike “Beeple” Winkelmann that sold for $69.3 million during an auction at Christie’s in early 2021.

The recent resurgence of staggering prices for CryptoPunk NFTs, however, seems reserved for this collection alone. CryptoPunks, arguably the first NFT collection to attract substantial value and relevance after their created in 2017appear to have maintained their position over the past two years as rare cultural objects.

Another formerly coveted profile photo (PFP) collections have struggled to regain dominance since the NFT market collapsed in mid-2022. THE Bored Monkeys Yacht Clubfor example, saw the value of its assets decline to a floor price of just over $40,000, according to data from NFT floor price. This is a drop of more than 90% compared to peak price in USD seen in 2022.

Other collections that previously defined the NFT landscape, like Azuki And Doodlesalso saw their floor prices fall by more than 50%.

Edited by Andrew Hayward


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