Attorney General warns of cryptocurrency scams at event in The Villages
This week we hosted a symposium on cryptocurrency scams in the villages and awarded the best Elderly anti-crime volunteers.
Florida is proud to be home to more than 5.5 million seniors. Unfortunately, there are bad actors looking to prey on Florida’s seniors. Our Cyber Fraud Enforcement Unit presented to seniors at the symposium on how to avoid falling victim to cryptocurrency scams.
Protecting Florida’s seniors is one of our top priorities, and we are also grateful for the commitment of all our Senior Sleuth volunteers to Florida’s seniors.
Last year, Senior Sleuths served more than 9,100 Florida seniors, dedicated more than 11,200 hours of free services and recovered more than $2.6 million. From 2019, Seniors vs. Crime is responsible for recovering more than $10.5 million.
At the end of the symposium, we nominated five Super Senior Sleuths, one from each region of Florida, for their outstanding work on behalf of their fellow seniors.
We also recognized our Senior Lawyer of the Year, John McLaughlin. Having worked for more than 10 years as a volunteer in the Seniors vs. Crime, John uses his background as a law enforcement officer to assist the elderly and solve high-value cases.
By assisting those who have suffered abuse and teaching seniors how to protect themselves from scams and exploitation, we continue to build a stronger, safer Florida.
Ashley Moody is Florida’s attorney general.