Marine humps announced the launch of its $MOGUL token on the ERC-404 protocol. The move follows its goal to revolutionize interaction with digital assets through an...
Introducing BeArt, the world’s first platform dedicated to the issuance of RWAs for artwork and Web3 crypto assets! The platform has launched its Carnival Season activities...
Fashion Brand NFT Marketplace Advance Market Analytics has released a new research publication on “Fashion Brands NFT Market Insights, to 2030” with 232 pages and enriched...
Telefnica announces the addition of the first two collections of the Harvverse project to its NFT Marketplace. These collections, called Green and Carbon, are...
The MovieProjectNFT film project will begin releasing NFTs on May 14. at 6:00 p.m. CEST (interested parties can then publicly purchase and “mint” the NFTs). With...
Disclosure: This article does not constitute investment advice. The contents and materials on this page are for educational purposes only. Amid Bitcoin’s price decline and market...